


发表于 2012-6-22 18:20:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[size="4"]GB 50057-2010建筑物防雷设计规范中,第四章4.4.9条规定,金属烟囱应作为接闪器和引下线;另根据附加说明4.4.9条,只要金属烟囱厚度大于0.5mm即可防止雷击穿孔;
[size="4"]GB 50057-2010标准大量依据出自IEC标准BS EN 62305-3 2010,但在IEC标准中找不到原话,请问金属烟囱应作为接闪器和引下线的依据在哪里可以找到?
[size="4"]5.1.3 Use of natural components
Natural components made of conductive materials, which will always remain in/on the
structure and will not be modified (e.g. interconnected steel-reinforcement, metal framework
of the structure, etc.) may be used as parts of an LPS.

[size="4"]5.2.5 Natural components
The following parts of a structure should be considered and may be used as natural airtermination
components and part of an LPS in accordance with 5.1.3.
a) Metal sheets covering the structure to be protected provided that
– the electrical continuity between the various parts is made durable (e.g. by means of
brazing, welding, crimping, seaming, screwing or bolting),
– the thickness of the metal sheet is not less than the value t’ given in Table 3 if it is not
important to prevent puncture of the sheeting or to consider ignition of any readilycombustible
materials underneath,

[size="4"]– the thickness of the metal sheet is not less than the value t given in Table 3 if it is
necessary to take precautions against puncture or to consider hot spot problems,

[size="4"]b) Metal components of roof construction (trusses, interconnected reinforcing steel, etc.),
underneath non-metallic roofing, provided that damage to this non-metallic roofing is
c) Metal parts such as ornamentation, railings, pipes, coverings of parapets, etc., with crosssections
not less than that specified for standard air-termination components.
d) Metal pipes and tanks on the roof, provided that they are constructed of material with
thicknesses and cross-sections in accordance with Table 6.
e) Metal pipes and tanks carrying readily-combustible or explosive mixtures, provided that
they are constructed of material with thickness not less than the appropriate value of t
given in Table 3 and that the temperature rise of the inner surface at the point of strike
does not constitute a danger (for detailed information, see Annex D).

[size="4"]根据IEC标准5.4.3中说明For structures with extensive electronic systems or with high risk of fire, type B earthing
arrangement is preferable。

[size="4"]可以确定应按照TYPE B进行防雷接地,但桩基基础类型的防雷接地该如何做呢?是直接利用桩基螺栓作为接地体吗?
[size="4"]另附上IEC 62305-3 2010规范,供大家学习。GB50057-2010太大了,给个连接http://down2.bzfxw.com/201106/GB 50057-2010 建筑物防雷设计规范.rar
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发表于 2012-6-22 22:15:13 | 显示全部楼层


[size="4"]Heavy-duty metal stacks having a metal thickness of

<font face="NewBaskerville-Roman"><font size="4"><font face="NewBaskerville-Roman"><font style="font-size:14pt">4.8 mm (3
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